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ASEAN summit leaders arrive in Washington to discuss international trade

This week, industry leaders from ten Southeast Asian countries arrived in Washington, D.C. to discuss issues with its American counterparts, including international trade, according to Washington D.C. Business Daily.

The ten states that comprise the ASEAN Summit are Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

"Nearly half of the ASEAN growth came from a single country: Vietnam, which entered a free trade agreement with the U.S. in 2000 and joined the World Trade Organization in 2007. That's two decades after abandoning the Soviet Union's central planning system for its economy."

The emphasis on Vietnam couldn't come at a better time.

At Texhong Vietnam, we are partnering with Vietnam's leaders, workers, and investors to build out production capacity. As a result, we are helping grow Vietnam's economy, add more local jobs, and build infrastructure.

To read the complete story in Washington D.C. Business Daily:

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